7 minutes
Am I Not Your Neighbor Too?
Asudden, stricken, I awoke with dread.
Sensations, pictures, words so grim and stark —
I lay a-curled in my prenatal bed,
And here began to ponder visions dark.
Such clarity nowise had come before,
And how I wish it had but passed me by,
For now I know what shortly is in store:
Today will be the day that I shall die.
This not by accident, nor from disease,
But plans malicious, wicked, cruel, vile;
Her basest lusts my mother will appease
To murder me, her babe, in just a while.
How is it that this womb, a sacred space
Where holy God did join my flesh and soul,
Has morphed to such a dang’rous, fearful place
That fleeing — if I could! — would be my goal?
Alas! Completely helpless here I lie
With no way out — I can’t escape my plight.
“Mercy, Mom, please have mercy!” I would cry,
If but I had a voice to sound my fright.
Accursèd be the night I was conceived!
It would be better to have never been;
For rather than a gift, with thanks, received,
I’ll be the victim of a grievous sin.
It seems to me that hope the gloom dispels,
But I’ve no hope at all — I’m on my own.
My body in another body dwells,
Yet even so: I’m feeling quite alone.
My mother seeks my life, but that’s not all:
My very father too, he’s with the plan.
Once knowing full her wish, he said, “Your call” —
Can this my father be? He’s not a man.
Instead of wisely ruling well his own,
Permits his strength and honor to be shorn,
And cowardly his child does disown:
I’m fatherless before I’m even born.
He thinks deferring has him off the hook,
But so did Adam in the garden plead;
Dad his responsibility forsook,
Thereby did household pow’r to devils cede.
Together my conspirators did plot
To bring about my ultimate demise;
“How shall we kill this innocent?” their thought —
My life without a cause they so despise.
They even brazenly express chagrin —
Less work would be to butcher smaller me:
“To take some pills would have quite simpler been”;
They’d like transgressions all to easy be.
And thus ere long since starting to inquire,
My parents hit on one who fit the bill:
For children found a murderer for hire —
A man who kills to live and lives to kill.
To him they gave a cold but simple sketch
Of services they much desired to get.
Said he: “Bring me the misbegotten wretch,”
And for today the rendezvous was set.
Oh, woe is me! What have I done to you
That you should think that I this lot deserve?
That both of you this deed should carry through,
And not my innocent small life preserve?
But here my vision grew yet darker still,
For then it was I saw the neighb’ring light.
Its brilliant, happy beams first brought a thrill —
At once I knew: my only hope’s in sight!
This hope was shown to be the Christian church,
For she alone possessed the gospel true.
My timid eyes began to scan and search,
To see what such who took Christ’s name would do.
“Would I be rescued after all?” thought I.
My view expanding rapidly around,
I witnessed light from many points nearby —
A steady stream of rays at hand abound!
Assur’dly this must signal coming aid.
But one more moment — and again I knew:
From my sole hope no help will be conveyed.
Light all around, my hope blinked out, withdrew.
Despair returned, renewed, its aim ensured.
Forlorn, I watched an altered picture form:
Saw lights begin to dim, as if obscured;
Soon, many were no longer bright or warm.
Bewilderment, and then stark horror’s pall:
No lovely feet would bring the gospel near —
This knowledge made me tremble most of all —
No mouth would speak good news where we could hear.
No holiness of holy God proclaimed,
Or future, lasting punishment for sin;
No precious work of Jesus Christ be named,
Or refuge and deliverance therein.
No one will call my parents to repent
Before they send me to an early grave,
No gracious warning to their hearts presént,
Despite the gospel’s ample pow’r to save.
Appeals for mercy — none will be supplied.
No light will shine, the darkness to expose.
Compassion, help, none offers to provide.
None will stand in the gap to interpose.
Why? Why? I did not, could not understand:
Well known to all, the site where we’d soon be —
With myriad churches all across the land,
How can it be that none has time for me?
Is “Love your neighbor as yourself” in view?
And what about the ones in direst need?
O Christians, am I not your neighbor too?
How are you absent while I mutely plead?
Why solemnly your sacrifices bring,
But justice for the fatherless not seek?
How do you spread your hands to pray and sing,
But yet neglect the innocent and weak?
My parents will discard this preborn child;
Abandoned to affliction in the womb —
Just so, impure religion and defiled
Has, heartless, left me to a bloody tomb.
Where are those faithful to God’s righteous rule
To rescue us who’re taken off to death?
We stumble helpless to the slaughter cruel,
To die deprived of e’en a single breath.
Where are the citizens to delegate
Authority to men who fear the Lord?
Who’ll render righteous judgments in the gate,
Where needy are defended, not ignored?
Where are the godly law abiding men
To plainly acts of wicked men condemn,
And them oppose? Did not God’s Wisdom pen:
“But such as keep the law contend with them”?
Where are men like baptizing John to say,
“Herod, it is not lawful, thus to do,”
The law of God declaring, come what may?
Who speak with pow’r to pow’r God’s Word as true?
How do they who profess to love the Lord
Support those laws which he expressly hates?
And bid his gov’rning deacons: “Sheathe the sword,
Enact what God himself abominates”?
He who the guilty of their crimes acquits
And justifies the wicked who’ve transgressed,
Or sentencing of innocents permits —
These both alike does Yahweh God detest.
Though innocent I am, as e’er can be,
These laws are prejudiced against me strong;
Premeditated murderess though she,
My mom can say: “But I have done no wrong.”
My father likewise bears no legal guilt
Within this crooked, “pro-life,” evil scheme,
Despite consenting that my blood be spilt
In every way is wickedness extreme.
From suchlike partial laws — good tutors all —
They learn: take frequent tests, find online pills;
Suppressing truth these aid, and not forestall —
Iniquitous decrees approve their kills.
Is not the Word of God the Christians’ light?
How is it then they justice so pervert?
The innocent depriving of his right?
And labels good and evil much invert?
My questions all a bitter echo made
Inside this gloomy space of bleakness black.
These things I cannot bear! I’m so afraid —
My tiny body grisly death will rack.
My blood will join the slaughtered multitude —
The land lies neath its guiltiness and groans;
Americans’ iniquities accrued,
The ground unclean beneath the weight — such moans!
Whereas in life as preborn I am mute,
My blood shall with the millions cry to God;
Though none ope’d mouth for me, the destitute,
Christ hears the blood and bears an iron rod.
I saw the wrath of God to be at hand,
The land prepared to habitants excise.
Oh, will the church repent, arise, and stand?
Or keep eyes shut to child sacrifice?
Yet as for piteous me, it is too late.
My vision fades, returns prenatal thought.
I go now to my place, I have my fate.
Perchance these words will to some pen be brought.
Upon finally finishing, posting, and rereading the above, one of the first things the author did was to sorrow afresh over his own sin. Dear reader, if you find you have committed any sin in relation to the abortion holocaust in our land, would you please repent with me?
Resources to consider:
- The Norman Statement
- How NOT to Fight Abortion: Why Issue 1 Passed
- 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 is Still Legal in All 50 States
- Free the States
- Abolish Abortion Nebraska
- Rescue Those
- Abolition and Equal Protection: A Response to Barber’s False Claims (Founders Ministries)
- #NotAVictim
- Build-a-Baby and a follow-up
- Abolitionists Rising
- FTS: Why We Do What We Do and How to Do It