
Thanks for stopping by. May your stay prove beneficial for your encouragement and exhortation.

It is my hope that the content you find here will draw your more toward loving God and neighbor, toward seeking after Jesus Christ (faith in his person, his work, and his Word), and toward service in his kingdom.


Skriving (ˈskree-vingk; IPA: ˈskɹiːvɪŋk)1 simply means writing (n.) in the language of my birth country (the Faroe Islands).

I write, personally, as I have discovered that the process (of writing poetry in particular) can be useful for meditation — a task I have found to be difficult. Being desirous to stir others up to greater faith and to love and good works, I thought to share, writing, horizontally, in order to serve any who may perhaps find benefit from reading what I have to express (as briefly mentioned above). And ultimately, I write to advance the kingdom of God, doing my part to take every thought captive to obey Christ, beginning with my own.

As Providence has it, certain factors presently limit the useful energy I am able to put in this direction, and thus I have styled these writings as occasional. If the Lord in his goodness wills it, I will have more to put up, and continue to do so. And if not, then not. As to what degree this site may be beneficial for any, I leave that also in his almighty and sovereign hands. I am his unworthy but willing and grateful servant. All glory to Christ, who reigns above.


Should you desire to contact me, you can do so here.

  1. But please, say it however you want! For the few who might have an interest in hearing an audio pronunciation, you can do so by visiting the dictionary entry and selecting the speaker icon or “Ljóðfíla” (audio file). ↩︎